Apple Vision Pro is Apple’s first spatial computer. It was announced on June 5, 2023, and is expected to launch in early 2024. The headset is set to be available initially in the United States, with availability in other countries, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, India, Brazil, Australia, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and South Korea, later in 2024.
Apple Vision Pro Release and Availability:
Apple Vision Pro Estimated launch: March 2024, initially in the US with other regions likely to follow later in the year.
Limited initial production: Due to manufacturing complexities, less than 500,000 units are expected in 2024.
Apple Vision Pro Features
- Apple Vision Pro creates an infinite canvas for apps that scales beyond the boundaries of a traditional display.
- It introduces a fully three-dimensional user interface controlled by the most natural and intuitive inputs possible — a user’s eyes, hands, and voice.
- The headset features an ultra-high-resolution display system that packs 23 million pixels across two displays.
- It runs on visionOS, the world’s first spatial operating system.
- Vision Pro has a total of twelve cameras, a TrueDepth sensor, a LiDAR sensor, and six microphones.
- It is equipped with an M2 chip, its own Wi-Fi connection, and a 4K micro OLED display for each eye.
- M2 chip: Apple’s powerful processor expected to deliver smooth performance and advanced capabilities.
- Dual 4K Micro-OLED displays: High-resolution visuals for immersive experiences.
- Mixed Reality (MR) experience: Combines both Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) functionalities.
- Advanced eye-tracking and hand-tracking: Precise interaction with the virtual environment.
- 3D camera system: Enables depth perception and spatial mapping for AR applications.
- Dedicated visionOS: New operating system specifically designed for MR experiences.
- Gaming: Immersive and interactive VR/AR games with cutting-edge graphics and intuitive controls.
- Entertainment: Watching movies and shows in virtual environments, attending virtual concerts and events.
- Productivity: Collaborative workspace, 3D design and modeling, virtual presentations and meetings.
- Education and training: Interactive learning experiences, simulations for various fields.
Apple Vision Pro Design
Apple Vision Pro headset has a laminated glass front and an aluminum alloy frame.
It has a custom aluminum alloy frame supporting a curved “three-dimensionally formed” laminated glass front plate.
The battery is separated from the headset, resulting in a lighter design.
Price The starting price for the Apple Vision Pro is $3,499.